Photomontage & GIS
TRACE provides exceptional modelling services for assessment of visual impacts including:
Photomontage Modelling: TRACE modelling capabilities in preparation of verfied photomontage are frequently called upon in court based on best practice guidelines. Trace also provides methodology statements to experts and the court in support of modelling outputs. Viewpoint GPS location, control points and camera settings are key parameters to produce a reliable photomontage as an aid for decision making. This enables them to see the likely appearance of the proposed development or alternative scenarios.
GIS and Spatial Analysis: TRACE employs spatial analysis in 2D and 3D for landscape and visual impact assessments. Modelling and mappings are undertaken by Digital Terrain or Surface Models (DTM and DSM) using contours and LiDAR data to generate viewshed and Zone of Visual Influence (ZVI). Intervisibility and skyline analysis are some other methods to investigate various spatial questions to identify visual thresholds and constraints. These highly objective methods are critical for giving quantitative data that allows visual amenity experts to identify affected areas and visibilities. Our technical knowledge is linked to the continuing research to develop and improve these capabilities.