Toowoomba Region Landscape Character & Scenic Amenity studies
Two studies were commissioned by Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) as part of the Toowoomba Futures program including Toowoomba Region Landscape and Urban Character Study (TRLUCS) and Toowoomba Region Scenic Amenity Study (TRSAS). These studies have been prepared by a team of consultants working closely with Council led by Lat27, including TRACE Visual (methodology, spatial analysis and GIS mapping), The Comms Team (community consultation and engagement), PSA Consulting (statutory planning) and Extent Heritage (heritage advice for the TRLUCS study). The purpose of the TRLUCS is to identify and define the existing character elements that contribute to the landscape and urban character of the Toowoomba Region. This will, in turn, inform development of a policy framework and recommendations for planning scheme code provisions for the protection and enhancement of the character and landscapes of the region, particularly in regard to managing future growth across the Region.
The purpose of the TRSAS is to identify and map the scenic amenity values of the Toowoomba Region and provide recommendations for planning scheme code provisions for the protection and enhancement of the scenic amenity values of the region, particularly in regard to managing future growth across the Region.
An alternative methodology led by TRACE Visual to integrate landscape character assessment (LCA) with Scenic Amenity Guideline 8 into one unified landscape evaluation method. The methodology included community’s perceptions and preferences with regards to landscape character types and sub-types in developing provisions for protection of high scenic amenity landscapes and improvement of low scenic amenity areas (upcoming research publication). Also, TRACE was responsible for the whole GIS mapping for two studies.
This study received AILA QLD Award of Excellence in Landscape Planning 2022.