This collection includes selected LVIA studies completed by Ata during his past employment at TRACT Consultants. These studies wer...
This collection includes selected LVIA studies completed by Ata during his previous employment at MODE. These studies were prepare...
A proposal for a wind farm received more than 70 objections from the local community which resulted in a lengthy appeal over sever...
A comprehensive LVIA was prepared for Boral proposal to develop a hard rock quarry on a State-designated Key Resource Area (KRA) a...
Preliminary visibility modelling of draft proposals identified threshold heights for hotel buildings, allowing responsive siting ...
A cumulative LVIA study identified the landscape and scenic values of the Abbot Point area (north QLD) and the broader context of...
Two studies were commissioned by Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) as part of the Toowoomba Futures program including Toowoomba Reg...
Cairns Regional Council commissioned a scenic amenity study for the Region, in preparation for the new Cairns Region Planning Sche...
A Landscape and Visual Amenity Assessment of land were prepared as part of the Bahrs Scrub Local Area Development Plan. The aim of...
Ata Tara, Director of TRACE, as part of a consultancy project team, received three awards for Gold Coast Landscape Character Stud...
TRACE was engaged to analyse impact of proposed resort in North Queensland on views to forested ridge lines. Skyline analysis in G...
TRACE was engaged to prepare shadow modellings for a DA in Sunshine Coast. Overshadowing impacts resulted from the proposal was co...
TRACE prepared shadow modellings for a DA in Sunshine Coast. Overshadowing impacts resulted from the proposal was compared with th...
TRACE was engaged by visual amenity experts to prepare modelling and verified photomontage simulations for a multi-storey resident...
This collection includes selected photomontage simulations for various projects completed by Ata during his past employment at MOD...
Desktop spatial analysis and mappings were utilised in the design to develop structure plans for two townships (Komo Townships) in...
Photomontage modelling services were engaged by visual amenity experts to provide photomontages from nominated viewpoints. Two G...
GIS provides a powerful tool to understand and map visibility of a structure or development. In this project, a broad surface mod...
TRACE Director, Ata Tara, was contributed to various design projects during his past employment at MODE, Design. Key design projec...
As part of the design competition for Sunshine Coast Council (a gateway to the city), Skills in architectural design, landscape an...